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HC - Heavy Combination Truck Licence

A Heavy Combination (HC) Licence allows people to drive a prime mover attached to a semi-trailer (whether or not any unladen converter dolly or low loader dolly is also attached). It also allows you to operate a motor vehicle that is attached to a single trailer with a GVM greater than 9 tonne (whether or not any unlaiden converter dollyor low loader dolly is also attached).

HC - Heavy Combination Truck Licence

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for this licence you must currently hold a Class C (Car) Licence and must have held either a MR or HR Licence for a minimum of 12 months.


It IS possible to go straight from a Class C (Car) Licence up to a Heavy Combination licence, but you must complete one of the two options listed below before completing your practical training & assessment:

OPTION 1: Obtain a Primary Producer HC Learner’s Permit, Applications are available through Service SA only (phone 131084 or visit your local service SA centre). Pre-requisites and conditions may vary.


OPTION 2: Attend a 2 day TILE (Training In Lieu of Experience) theory course to obtain a learners permit. Accustom does not supply the 2 day TILE course but you can find any provider in SA (Recommend RTTS in Nuri, ph: 85622258) who supplies this to complete part 1 & 2. After completed the course you can then start your part 3 practical in vehicle training and assessment with us. You do not have to complete your practical with the same provider as who supplies the TILE - you can sit your part 3 with our accredited TILE examiner if our schedule/availability works for you.

Course Outline

- Training & Assessment via this method: CBT&A
- CBT&A (Competency Based Training & Assessment)
CBT&A = Training & Assessment with a CBT&A Authorised Examiner (stay with same instructor the whole way) - sometimes this method is referred to as 'logbook' training.
- Approx 14-22 hours or extra time may be required depending on students current skills/gearbox of vehicle

How To Book

Contact our office on 8821 3340
Payment required at time of booking to secure dates & times

What To Bring/Wear

- Current Drivers Licence (SA GOV Licence App Accepted)
- HC Learner Permit (if applicable)
- TILE Certificate (if applicable)
- Enclosed comfortable shoes (eg. sneakers - not thongs or heavy steel cap boots)

Payment Options

Payments can be made:
- At our office
- Via EFT/bank transfer
- Credit card over the phone
- Add to cart on this website
- Afterpay: Pay it in Four Instalments
Afterpay terms of service view here: https://www.afterpay.com/en-AU/terms-of-service

Vehicles You can Drive With This Licence

f you hold a Heavy Combination (HC) Licence you can drive a prime mover or heavy rigid with a trailer. Some possible uses are:
- Farm and grain transport
- Dangerous Good delivery (Must also obtain dangerous goods licence)
- Livestock Transport
- Local & Intersate transport
- Float and machinery transport
- Bulk haulage

Cancellation/Rescheduling/Refund Policy

When a service is cancelled by Accustom a full refund of fees may apply, if this is the case participants will be notified of alternative opportunities.

Where a participant fails to attend without notifying Accustom at least 72 hours (3 full business days) prior to the service commencing, there may be no refund or the ability to re-schedule the service.

Management can offer a re-scheduling fee depending on the service and timeframe.

Accustom are unable to accept responsibility for changes to personal circumstances.

Some fees are non-refundable after payment, if resources have been provided (e.g. training kits posted/testing transaction fees).

Refunds for special circumstances are made at the discretion of Company Management.

Frequently Asked Questions

Download Ezyreg app or view Ezyreg in your internet browser, enter in registration details of the vehicle you will need to drive and check the GVM/GCM information and compare it to the Services SA Drivers Licence Classifications list / view link below in additional resources section.

Yes please check our pricing brochure for quoting in your own vehicle vs our provided vehicle but keep in mind if you have an auto you get restricted to driving auto only vs if you complete the licence in our manual vehicle you get an unrestricted licence upon successful completion.

No, you only receive competency after demonstrating the required training & assessment standards. Our package hours are guides only and our pricing guides include the prices per hour for if/when extra hours of training may be required.

No, If a heavy vehicle licence upgrade is completed in an Auto gearbox you cannot drive a manual(synchro) or road ranger (non-synchro) gearbox of that class. If you successfully complete a licence in a road ranger gearbox (non-synchro) HC you can drive all gearbox levels of HC, If you successfully complete a licence in a manual gearbox (synchro) HC you can drive manual & auto HC’s, If you successfully complete a licence in a auto gearbox (non-synchro) HC you can only drive an auto HC. However if you completed a HR licence previously in a road ranger/manual gear box you have already passed that competency so therefore the answer to this question would be yes. (If unsure discuss with accustom staff via phone)

YES – Accustom has an RTO partnership with RTTS (RTO 40218) and accredited HC TILE Instructors. Regardless on where you complete your TILE course even if not from RTTS you can select a HC TILE accredited instructor to complete Module 3 which Accustom has to provide.

NO – You must contact/visit Services SA to transfer your licence to a South Australian Licence prior to enrolment with Accustom.

You can drive the class of heavy vehicle that you are successful in passing – However if you have not obtained a “Driver Accreditation” to carry passengers you must not drive with passengers until you have obtained this from Services SA. See information link below in resources section.











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Truck Licences

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